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Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer

  • Transform ideas into visual stories that captivate and engage audiences.
  • Shape brand identities and influence consumer perceptions through creative design.
  • Blend art and technology to craft unique, eye-catching visuals for diverse media.
💰 Earn $54K-$97K
📚 Bachelor Degree


Design or create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. May use a variety of mediums to achieve artistic or decorative effects.


Minimum Education

Bachelor Degree

Career Prospects

Good (Increasing by 1-5%)

Training Time

2 to 4 years

Job Openings

21,100 in Total


$74,360 Med. in CA













  • Determine size and arrangement of illustrative material and copy, and select style and size of type.
  • Confer with clients to discuss and determine layout design.
  • Create designs, concepts, and sample layouts, based on knowledge of layout principles and esthetic design concepts.
  • Develop graphics and layouts for product illustrations, company logos, and Web sites.
  • Use computer software to generate new images.

Best For You If...

YOU Like 💕

  • Influencing or leading others
  • Working with my hands
  • Being creative or artistic

You are skilled in 💫

  • Monitoring
  • Active Listening
  • Speaking
  • Critical Thinking
  • Coordination
  • Judgment and Decision Making

You value 🙏

  • Accomplishing things
  • Receiving recognition
  • Independence
  • Having freedom
  • Achievement
  • Recognition

In Action

Want to see what it's like to be a Graphic Designer? We've curated a playlist for you to explore.

Graphic Designer

This short video gives an overview of what this career is all about.

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