altPath is a free tool to find your ideal career path

Desktop Publisher

Desktop Publisher

  • Ideal for creative minds who love blending art and technology in publications.
  • Shape the visual impact of print and digital media with your design skills.
  • Transform ideas into visually stunning layouts that captivate audiences.
💰 Earn $50K-$86K
📚 Associate Degree


Format typescript and graphic elements using computer software to produce publication-ready material.


Minimum Education

Associate Degree

Career Prospects

Risky (Decreasing by 5% or more)

Training Time

1 to 2 years

Job Openings

500 in Total


$68,880 Med. in CA













  • Operate desktop publishing software and equipment to design, lay out, and produce camera-ready copy.
  • Position text and art elements from a variety of databases in a visually appealing way to design print or web pages, using knowledge of type styles and size and layout patterns.
  • Check preliminary and final proofs for errors and make necessary corrections.
  • View monitors for visual representation of work in progress and for instructions and feedback throughout process, making modifications as necessary.
  • Enter text into computer keyboard and select the size and style of type, column width, and appropriate spacing for printed materials.

Best For You If...

YOU Like 💕

  • Using data or completing tasks
  • Thinking and problem solving
  • Being creative or artistic

You are skilled in 💫

  • Monitoring
  • Critical Thinking
  • Operations Monitoring
  • Operation and Control
  • Judgment and Decision Making

You value 🙏

  • Having support
  • Accomplishing things
  • Support
  • Independence
  • Having freedom
  • Achievement

In Action

Want to see what it's like to be a Desktop Publisher? We've curated a playlist for you to explore.

Desktop Publisher

This short video gives an overview of what this career is all about.

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