altPath is a free tool to find your ideal career path



  • Bring stories to life and captivate audiences with your performance skills.
  • Impact society by portraying diverse characters and sharing compelling narratives.
  • Experience the thrill of live performances and the magic of film and TV sets.
💰 Earn $45K-$123K
📚 Some College


Play parts in stage, television, radio, video, or film productions, or other settings for entertainment, information, or instruction. Interpret serious or comic role by speech, gesture, and body movement to entertain or inform audience. May dance and sing.


Minimum Education

Some College

Career Prospects

Good (Increasing by 1-5%)

Training Time

6 months to 1 year

Job Openings

8,600 in Total


$45,094 Med. in CA













  • Collaborate with other actors as part of an ensemble.
  • Portray and interpret roles, using speech, gestures, and body movements, to entertain, inform, or instruct radio, film, television, or live audiences.
  • Work closely with directors, other actors, and playwrights to find the interpretation most suited to the role.
  • Perform humorous and serious interpretations of emotions, actions, and situations, using body movements, facial expressions, and gestures.
  • Study and rehearse roles from scripts to interpret, learn and memorize lines, stunts, and cues as directed.

Best For You If...

YOU Like 💕

  • Influencing or leading others
  • Being creative or artistic

You are skilled in 💫

  • Monitoring
  • Active Listening
  • Speaking
  • Coordination
  • Instructing

You value 🙏

  • Accomplishing things
  • Independence
  • Having freedom
  • Achievement
  • Relationships
  • Personal relationships

In Action

Want to see what it's like to be a Actor? We've curated a playlist for you to explore.


This short video gives an overview of what this career is all about.

Want to see what else is possible? Search through more paths with altPath Discover.

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