- Ideal for those who love numbers and financial problem-solving.
- Ensure financial accuracy and integrity for businesses and organizations.
- Uncover financial insights and safeguard against fraud and inefficiencies.
💰 Earn $74K-$119K
📚 Bachelor Degree
Examine, analyze, and interpret accounting records to prepare financial statements, give advice, or audit and evaluate statements prepared by others. Install or advise on systems of recording costs or other financial and budgetary data.Scoop
Excellent (Increasing by 5% or more)
- Prepare detailed reports on audit findings.
- Report to management about asset utilization and audit results, and recommend changes in operations and financial activities.
- Collect and analyze data to detect deficient controls, duplicated effort, extravagance, fraud, or non-compliance with laws, regulations, and management policies.
- Inspect account books and accounting systems for efficiency, effectiveness, and use of accepted accounting procedures to record transactions.
- Supervise auditing of establishments, and determine scope of investigation required.
Best For You If...
YOU Like 💕
- Influencing or leading others
- Using data or completing tasks
- Thinking and problem solving
You are skilled in 💫
- Active Listening
- Speaking
- Critical Thinking
- Reading Comprehension
- Writing
You value 🙏
- Accomplishing things
- Receiving recognition
- Independence
- Having freedom
- Achievement
- Recognition
In Action
Want to see what it's like to be a Accountant? We've curated a playlist for you to explore.
This short video gives an overview of what this career is all about.
Pathways to this Career
Here are few pathways you can take to become a Accountant. Click on a pathway to learn more about it.
Vocational School
A vocational school typically equips students with specialized skills and practical training in specific trades or occupations, enhancing their employability and providing direct pathways to relevant careers.📚 Training
Finish in 6 months - 2 years
Associate's Degree
An associate's degree typically provides graduates with foundational knowledge and skills for entry-level jobs in the graduate's industry, or serves as a stepping stone towards further education.📚 College
Finish in 2-3 years
Bachelor's Degree
A bachelor's degree typically results in increased knowledge about a variety of academic subjects, specialized knowledge in a focused field of study, and is considered the foundational qualification for many careers.📚 College
Finish in 4-5+ years
Hybrid College
A hybrid college combines online learning with the student support typically offered on college campuses, giving students flexibility and accessibility while still providing a comprehensive educational experience.📚 College
Finish in 2-5 years
An apprenticeship typically offers a combination of hands-on training and classroom instruction, leading to practical skills, industry-specific knowledge, and the potential for long-term employment in a specific trade or profession.📚 Paid Work
Finish in 2-5 years
Workforce Development Program
A workforce development program typically enhances participants' opportunities to succeed in the workforce through employment skill-building, career counseling, connections to employers, and pathways to high-demand and high-wage jobs.📚 Training
Finish in 6 months - 2 years