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Post-Bac Fellowship

Post-Bac Fellowship Overview

These programs are paid positions that generally span one or two years with an organization, often a nonprofit, research, or federal agency, that provides recent college graduates with a chance to learn from and contribute to the organization's mission. Applicants apply to the program and, once accepted, are trained for a specific role for the duration of the program. At the conclusion of the program, participants move on to different careers and/or organizations. These fellowships require that a person has completed or is completing a bachelor's degree program. Fellowship programs are often offered in Education, Media and Journalism, Science, Healthcare, Public Policy and Government, Environment and Sustainability, Social Entrepreneurship and Non-profits, and Technology. Fellowship programs are often in person and many require people to move to the location of the fellowship program. Most fellowship programs are considered employment and thus the participants do not have other employment. However, some programs require participants to secure their own employment as a condition of the fellowship. Fellowships provide important work experience and training to prepare for a career, leadership opportunities, or graduate school. Fellowships are not meant to be the highest paid positions related to that career. A fellowship is valuable because of the work experience, training, and professional network it helps you build. However, fellowship programs typically do not offer support with the job application process.
Post-Bac Fellowship

This short video gives an overview of what this pathway is all about.



No cost, paid opportunity

Typical Format

In-Person Only

Typical Length

1-3 years

Time Commitments


Typical Schedule


Payment Options

Earn while you learn

Possible Outcomes

Skill and/or networking with potential employers

Financial Aid Options

N/A--Paid Opportunity

Best For You If...

You are

  • Sure of the industry you want to pursue, but not the exact career.
  • Recently graduated from, or approaching graduation from, a bachelor's degree program and are seeking specialized expertise through research, academic, or professional development opportunities.
  • Looking for some support to find employment.

You are able to

  • Work independently and meet responsibilities with clear and specific deadlines.
  • Be a reliable and teachable employee.
  • Begin & participate in work & training at any time throughout the year

You like

  • Attending class or work in person
  • Conducting research and writing papers
  • Practicing a skill hands-on
  • Working on a team

Enrollment Information

Fellowship programs typically offer various enrollment options throughout the year, with options that are unique to each fellowship program. Many fellowship programs are competitive and require an application, essay questions, resumes, letters of recommendation, and several rounds of interviews. Prerequisites for a Post-Bac fellowship will vary depending on the nature of the fellowship and the career it trains for, but will include a bachelor's degree as a requirement. Prerequisites may also include a graduate degree or a certain amount of work experience.

Application Type

Selective Application

Entry Qualifications

Bachelor's Degree

Academic Record

College GPA of 2.5+

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