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Aerospace Engineer

Aerospace Engineer

  • Design and test cutting-edge aircraft and spacecraft for future exploration.
  • Innovate aerospace technology to enhance global connectivity and defense.
  • Transform ideas into reality with advanced engineering and research.
💰 Earn $104K-$173K
📚 Bachelor Degree


Perform engineering duties in designing, constructing, and testing aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft. May conduct basic and applied research to evaluate adaptability of materials and equipment to aircraft design and manufacture. May recommend improvements in testing equipment and techniques.


Minimum Education

Bachelor Degree

Career Prospects

Excellent (Increasing by 5% or more)

Training Time

2 to 4 years

Job Openings

4,200 in Total


$130,720 Med. in CA













  • Formulate mathematical models or other methods of computer analysis to develop, evaluate, or modify design, according to customer engineering requirements.
  • Plan or conduct experimental, environmental, operational, or stress tests on models or prototypes of aircraft or aerospace systems or equipment.
  • Formulate conceptual design of aeronautical or aerospace products or systems to meet customer requirements or conform to environmental regulations.
  • Plan or coordinate investigation and resolution of customers' reports of technical problems with aircraft or aerospace vehicles.
  • Write technical reports or other documentation, such as handbooks or bulletins, for use by engineering staff, management, or customers.

Best For You If...

YOU Like 💕

  • Working with my hands
  • Thinking and problem solving

You are skilled in 💫

  • Active Listening
  • Speaking
  • Critical Thinking
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Writing
  • Active Learning

You value 🙏

  • Job security
  • Receiving recognition
  • Independence
  • Working Conditions
  • Having freedom
  • Recognition

In Action

Want to see what it's like to be a Aerospace Engineer? We've curated a playlist for you to explore.

Aerospace Engineer

This short video gives an overview of what this career is all about.

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