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  • Ideal for those passionate about data and life sciences.
  • Drive impactful health decisions through statistical insights.
  • Uncover hidden patterns in complex biological data.
💰 Earn $89K-$169K
📚 Bachelor Degree


Develop and apply biostatistical theory and methods to the study of life sciences.


Minimum Education

Bachelor Degree

Career Prospects

Excellent (Increasing by 5% or more)

Training Time

Over 4 years


$125,860 Med. in CA













  • Draw conclusions or make predictions, based on data summaries or statistical analyses.
  • Analyze clinical or survey data, using statistical approaches such as longitudinal analysis, mixed-effect modeling, logistic regression analyses, and model-building techniques.
  • Write detailed analysis plans and descriptions of analyses and findings for research protocols or reports.
  • Calculate sample size requirements for clinical studies.
  • Read current literature, attend meetings or conferences, and talk with colleagues to keep abreast of methodological or conceptual developments in fields such as biostatistics, pharmacology, life sciences, and social sciences.

Best For You If...

YOU Like 💕

  • Using data or completing tasks
  • Thinking and problem solving

You are skilled in 💫

  • Active Listening
  • Critical Thinking
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Complex Problem Solving
  • Mathematics

You value 🙏

  • Accomplishing things
  • Receiving recognition
  • Independence
  • Having freedom
  • Achievement
  • Recognition

In Action

Want to see what it's like to be a Biostatistician? We've curated a playlist for you to explore.


This short video gives an overview of what this career is all about.

Pathways to this Career

Here are few pathways you can take to become a Biostatistician. Click on a pathway to learn more about it.

Want to see what else is possible? Search through more paths with altPath Discover.

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