altPath is a free tool to find your ideal career path



  • Help individuals overcome mental challenges and improve their well-being.
  • Make a positive impact by guiding people toward personal growth and adjustment.
  • Use unique psychological tools to unlock insights and foster change.
💰 Earn $90K-$153K
📚 Doctoral or Professional Degree


Assess, diagnose, and treat mental and emotional disorders of individuals through observation, interview, and psychological tests. Help individuals with distress or maladjustment understand their problems through their knowledge of case history, interviews with patients, and theory. Provide individual or group counseling services to assist individuals in achieving more effective personal, social, educational, and vocational development and adjustment. May design behavior modification programs and consult with medical personnel regarding the best treatment for patients.


Minimum Education

Doctoral or Professional Degree

Career Prospects

Excellent (Increasing by 5% or more)

Training Time

Over 4 years

Job Openings

5,100 in Total


$126,450 Med. in CA













  • Interact with clients to assist them in gaining insight, defining goals, and planning action to achieve effective personal, social, educational, or vocational development and adjustment.
  • Conduct assessments of patients' risk for harm to self or others.
  • Counsel individuals, groups, or families to help them understand problems, deal with crisis situations, define goals, and develop realistic action plans.
  • Write reports on clients and maintain required paperwork.
  • Collect information about individuals or clients, using interviews, case histories, observational techniques, and other assessment methods.

Best For You If...

YOU Like 💕

  • Relating with or serving others
  • Thinking and problem solving
  • Being creative or artistic

You are skilled in 💫

  • Active Listening
  • Speaking
  • Critical Thinking
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Writing

You value 🙏

  • Accomplishing things
  • Independence
  • Having freedom
  • Achievement
  • Relationships
  • Personal relationships

In Action

Want to see what it's like to be a Psychologist? We've curated a playlist for you to explore.


This short video gives an overview of what this career is all about.

Want to see what else is possible? Search through more paths with altPath Discover.

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