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Pump Operator

Pump Operator

  • Ideal for those who enjoy hands-on work with complex machinery and systems.
  • Ensure smooth transfer of essential materials, impacting various industries globally.
  • Unique role in managing intricate networks of pumps and pipelines efficiently.
💰 Earn $40K-$61K
📚 High School Diploma or GED


Tend, control, or operate power-driven, stationary, or portable pumps and manifold systems to transfer gases, oil, other liquids, slurries, or powdered materials to and from various vessels and processes.


Minimum Education

High School Diploma or GED

Career Prospects

Excellent (Increasing by 5% or more)

Training Time

6 months to 1 year

Job Openings

1,300 in Total


$50,090 Med. in CA













  • Monitor gauges and flowmeters and inspect equipment to ensure that tank levels, temperatures, chemical amounts, and pressures are at specified levels, reporting abnormalities as necessary.
  • Record operating data such as products and quantities pumped, stocks used, gauging results, and operating times.
  • Plan movement of products through lines to processing, storage, and shipping units, using knowledge of interconnections and capacities of pipelines, valve manifolds, pumps, and tankage.
  • Turn valves and start pumps to start or regulate flows of substances such as gases, liquids, slurries, or powdered materials.
  • Communicate with other workers, using signals, radios, or telephones, to start and stop flows of materials or substances.

Best For You If...

YOU Like 💕

  • Using data or completing tasks
  • Working with my hands
  • Thinking and problem solving

You are skilled in 💫

    You value 🙏

    • Having support
    • Support
    • Independence
    • Having freedom
    • Relationships
    • Personal relationships

    In Action

    Want to see what it's like to be a Pump Operator? We've curated a playlist for you to explore.

    Pump Operator

    This short video gives an overview of what this career is all about.

    Pathways to this Career

    Here are few pathways you can take to become a Pump Operator. Click on a pathway to learn more about it.

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